Mike Coogan 115sc

Mike Coogan

Mike Coogan's activity stream

  • published Memorial Day in Blog 2024-07-04 03:32:13 -0500

    Memorial Day

    This Monday marks the 156th Memorial Day in the United States, a day of remembrance for our fallen veterans. Parades will be held, prayers will be lifted, and great food will be shared. The Libertarian Party of Harris County joins our community in honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and grieves with their families. We recognize that many of those who serve come from diverse backgrounds and are simply seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Their honor is above reproach.

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  • LP Harris Statement on President Trump's Appearance at the 2024 LP National Convention

    The Libertarian Party National Convention is imminent, and Harris County, as the second largest county affiliate in the country, has a powerful voice and responsibility in these proceedings. A recent announcement about the inclusion of former President Donald J. Trump as a speaker at this upcoming convention has, understandably, sparked division among our candidates and constituents. Trump has flatly denied our National Chair’s requests for a debate or live questions from a moderator. Make no mistake, Trump's stated aim of courting Libertarian voters is openly self-serving. His record stands in direct opposition to the very ideas we hold as true. As we have said before, both he and President Biden have proven themselves as enemies to the very freedoms that we seek to protect.

    In agreement with The Libertarian Party of Texas, The Libertarian Party of Harris County strongly opposes the inclusion of Trump, or any other opposing political candidate, in our National Convention. We respectfully request that the invitations be withdrawn by the Libertarian National Committee.

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  • donated 2025-01-30 05:31:33 -0600

    Candidate Headshots 2024 Voluntary Targeted Donation

    On May 16 the LPHarris CEC approved the creation of a Voluntary Targeted Donation in order to provide Harris County-based Libertarian candidates with professional headshots, with an estimated cost of approximately $750. Our new Director At-Large, former chair Billy Pierce, has graciously agreed to match every donation that is given for this purpose up to $375. Please click the button below to support this Voluntary Targeted Donation to help our candidates have professional and successful campaigns. Thank you for your support.


    To Support the general fund of LPHarris

    Use the donation form on this page*


    *Directions for using the donation form on this webpage:

    For one-time donors, choose one installment and select your dollar amount (or enter your own).

    For monthly donors, choose the number of installments then the total dollar amount. Our system will divide your total donation into equal monthly payments based on the number of installments selected.

