Friendswood Precinct Location 2020

The Harris County Libertarian Party will hold precinct conventions on the evening of Tuesday, March 10, 2020.  To be eligible to participate, you must be a registered voter in Harris County and not have voted in a primary.  To encourage participation, we will have ten precinct locations spread throughout the county.

To find out what precinct you are in, look on your voter card under Prec. No.  If you do not have your voter card, use the Harris County Voter Search site to check your registration information and status.  To speed up processing, bring your voter card or a printout of what you find online with you to the convention.

To find out at which location your precinct is meeting, see the list below. To access a searchable PDF (and more readable version) of the notice, click here.

March 10, 2020 at 6:00pm - 7pm
11222 Fuqua St
Houston, TX 77089
United States
Google map and directions
Bob Townsend

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